Citation File Format - Tutorials

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Validating CITATION.cff files

The Citation File Format provides a JSON Schema file (schema.json) that CITATION.cff files can be validated against.


If you use docker, you can validate your CITATION.cff file as follows.

  1. Build the docker container:
    docker build -t cffvalidator \
  2. Run the container. Note that you have supply the absolute path to the local CITATION.cff file you want to validate with -v:
    docker run --rm \
    -v </absolute/path/to/your/CITATION.cff>:/cff/CITATION.cff cffvalidator

Python 3

The Citation File Format README describes how to validate CITATION.cff files in Python 3.

If you want to avoid cloning the Citation File Format repository, as described there, you can also download the Python script directly. Note that you may still need to install the required Python packages.